What We Do
We use our knowledge and expertise in applied research and program evaluation to help with:
Organizations typically come to us with one of these issues. If none of these fit your situation, let’s talk and see how we can help develop a solution for your special circumstances.
We help you measure the impact of your existing programs to complement your anecdotal evidence.
Many nonprofits find the funding environment tougher than ever before. Trends suggest that funders are changing their approaches and monitoring programs more closely for successful outcomes. These funders want to see clear models for creating impact and frameworks for outcomes measurement. We help nonprofits build their capacity to measure and demonstrate impact through systematic data gathering and analysis to show that those being served are benefiting as intended.
We help you plan and execute a rigorous evaluation of your new program from the ground up.
A biomedical college internship program received a five-year NIH grant that required annual program evaluation. We developed a logic model and a streamlined evaluation plan for this new program in collaboration with the program team. We adopted instruments to measure many of the elements of the logic model, and developed tools to assess success of participants at various time points after they left the program. Our annual evaluation reports helped the team think about the program differently, and identified actionable ways to make the program even better.
We help you get your data organized and analyzed to discover the actionable insights you need.
Who knows what amazing insights are hiding out in the stacks of surveys your organization doesn’t have the capacity to enter, let alone analyze? You may read through surveys as you receive them, but there is no substitute for a full analysis to pick up more complex patterns that our brains can’t perceive as easily. These can lead to insights that can help you take action to improve your program, for greater impact on those you serve.
We support you in continuous program improvement based on the results of your program evaluation or community assessment.
Action steps for program improvement: The last thing you need is to have a lengthy program evaluation or research report that then sits on the shelf gathering dust. We simplify complex ideas to help organizations understand their evaluation results and study findings in order to determine what strategies are needed to improve their programs, and help them put those strategies into action.
Grantee assistance & IRS-mandated implementation strategies: We have helped funders monitor grantees’ processes and have assisted grantees in identifying and tracking measures to show the good work they do. We’ve also assisted healthcare organizations in meeting new IRS requirements that include the mandate that they each develop an implementation strategy (IS) every three years based on their latest community health needs assessment.
We help you assess the needs of your community in order to best inform your work.
General community assessments: We work with you to conduct community assessments that meet your needs and fit your budget, as well as being sensitive to your local situation. Our comprehensive assessment work includes integrating both statistics and data we gather by going out into the community to conduct focus groups, interviews, and/or surveys with local residents and experts. We often engage the community by presenting the community assessment findings and gathering their feedback.
IRS-mandated assessments: All nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. must conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA) every three years. We’ve helped over 25 nonprofit hospitals, locally-governed healthcare districts, and healthcare systems assess and understand community needs.
Health and Wellness assessments: We conduct assessments of health and wellness so that organizations can understand the individuals they serve before designing programs and interventions.
Services we offer
Modern organizations understand the value of having good data, but sometimes need help obtaining and using those data to tell the story about the good work they do. We demystify the community assessment and program evaluation processes and make complex ideas simple. We help you every step of the way through a mix of the following services:
- Strategic planning
- Organizational development
- Logic modeling
- Evaluation planning
- Program evaluation
- Survey instrument design
- Evaluation training/capacity-building
- Needs/strengths assessment
- Community assessment
- Advanced statistical analyses
- Qualitative data collection
- Data analysis
- Reporting on results
- Presenting findings
- Strategic planning
- Organizational development
- Logic modeling
- Evaluation planning
- Program evaluation
- Survey instrument design
- Evaluation training/capacity-building
- Needs/strengths assessment
- Community assessment
- Advanced statistical analyses
- Qualitative data collection
- Data analysis
- Reporting on results
- Presenting findings